Issue 6, Winter 2012

Please note: full articles are available only in Hebrew.


Gerd Gemünden, From Chicago on the Spree to Weimar on the Pacific

Rick McCormick, Romantic Comedy and the Hitler-Stalin Pact: Billy Wilder and Ninotchka (USA 1939)

Ulrike Weckel, Weal and Woe of "Erotic Fraterization" in Postwar Germany: A Foreign Affair as Billy Wilder’s Alterna­tive to Reproachful Reeducation

Aner Preminger, Walk on Water or Play God? Contemporary Israeli Filmmakers and the "Meaning" of the Holocaust

Yochai Ataria, Make Music, Not War: Berlin as a Metaphor for Post-Modernity in Run Lola Run

Gabriel Cavaglion, Puer Aeternus: Fellini’s Male Protagonists in Historical Context