Please note: all articles are available only in Hebrew.
Omri Yavin
From a Jewish State to an Airport: Foreigners and Immigrants in Contemporary Israeli Cinema
Yael Munk and Dana Massad
“On the political Spheres in Oded Davidoff’s Timrot Ashan
Amit Levy
Valentino’s Sheikh: Cinematic Contradictions and the Shape of American Orientalism
Siegfried Kracauer
From Caligari to Hitler: Introduction
* Hilla Lavie and Ofer Ashkenazi
Notes on Kracauer’s Psychoanalysis of Weimar Cinema
Michal Pick Hamo
Book review: Tali Silberstein, The Making of Soldiers (Resling, 2014)
Talia Alon
Book review: Liat Steir-Livni, The Mountain Will Remember, not Me: The New Memory of the Holocaist in Israeli Popular Culture (Resling, 2014)